Future City

For this scene, I used the blender add-on "Scene City " to create the base, and added a sci-fi style building created with the add-on “Fluent”.


Very impressive, beautiful work!

the amount of objects holy how long did it take to render?

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Wow, way to go!

Beautiful, I really like lighting and the transition (mist-distance) to the sky background.

Beautiful! Well done!

Nicely done, I especially like the sky, though to take this one step further I’d recommend using fewer of that tall builiding with the slanted roof in the background - the repitition is somewhat obvious.

Great scene!! Is it all lit by an HDRI? Post processing?

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Wow :open_mouth: Its really good!

woaw, thats really impressive , would probably take “only seven weeks” to render for me it looks so full and detailed :face_with_monocle:

Splendide - Toutes mes félicitations

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

such excellent work. Congratulations on top row.
Keep it up!

Interesting, the animation could do with a energy propulsion effect, I was reminded of Lost in space where the future vehicles are flying, and you hear it. Or like I robot. You could sneak it in. :slightly_smiling_face:


I do think it would look better if you had the engines do something though. Like make them glow or fire or exhaust of some type… Especially in the animation, it looks like it’s moving for no reason.

Other than that, I really like it. The movement of the camera adds tension, and makes it feel more epic.

Nice work !

Looks really nice, but it could benefit from some extra ‘action’ in the background. Not Coruscant busy, but some more ships flying in the background.
And maybe a slight camera animation, it’s all very static atm.

THe lighting is AMAZING!!! really well done

Hi, may i know where you obtained the sky? Looks great :grinning: